Friday, December 9, 2011


I've been obsessed with Pinterest lately. There are so many links to crafts and stuff I want to try!

Alex got me a bunch of jewelry making supplies for the holiday, and I talked him into giving them to me early. I've been so tired lately that I haven't had time to play, but I have high hopes for the weekend. Especially since I've decided what I'm making every one for gifts this year. I'm sort of running out of time.

One of the things I found on Pinterest that I have tried is a recipe to turn a bar of soap into a ton of liquid soap. Since I have 7 children soap is an issue. We have to buy it by the gallon and it doesn't last long. So spending less than a dollar to make 10 cups of liquid soap is a great deal for us!

The recipe I used was from this blog. I already had liquid glycerin in my cabinet of soap making supplies, so I didn't have to buy that. I got it at Hobby Lobby but rumor has it you can get it at any pharmacy, you just have to ask for it. So all I had to buy was a bar of soap. So I spent less than a dollar.

I hope everyone has a great weekend, hopefully I'll have some more to say to you before the weekend is over!

Thanks for reading!

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